Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tag-You are

Use Case

Scenario: I got tagged.
Frequency: 5-6 times.
Pre-condition: New Tag Today.
Flow of Events: Now I really thot abt attempting one.
Post-condition: I wanna write abt tagging.
1. My lazy brain said aaaaah
2. My vision of the remaining 5 ppl screaming at me for not tagging theirs and being partial, cos Im not.

Sorry, a bit overworked by my prof today!

Anywayz, comin to the point, the whole idea of tagging and forwarding seem to be the brainchild of the same person. There is a lot in common, now that I really think about it.

1. Both come from friends.
2. Both are electronic leveraging on popular media.
3. Both start off small and grow really big (fwds from 1 joke a mail to abt 20-25, tags from 3 fav things to 7 fav things)
4. Both want the users to propagate this idea, thus creating a distribution channel across inbox/blogs
5. Both have an inherent compelling factor (too good to resist).
6. Both displays the author's creativity and makes ppl smile.
7. Both ask you to carry it on, but any such activity sadly triggers an allergic response to my brain, which prohibits straining itself for more than 0.2 sec.

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!


PreethZzZ The Original said...

u can write abt it but not write it... lol... gr8 post... hehehe... whts ur name btw??? :S... I have no idea...

museful said...

ok am i missing something what exactly is tagging.....clue to the clueless here....maybe then i get the post....afterall the tubelite shines brightly in my mind....at certain points.

Random Access said...

Take a look at this and this and this and this. You shud get the hang of it.

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

ada-paavi!!!! said...

simple a solla vendiya vishyatha ivloav build up panni solla kudathu,

simple la i HATE TAGS, GRR....

but nice analogy